would you be mad if they took porn off twitter? (kanye thinks it should be)

elon musk’s free speech on twitter might come with allowing porn.
is porn considered free speech?
twitter is the only platform where porn can pop up on your timeline.
kanye west,
before his suspension and ( x defending balenciaga ),
he tweeted that he wants porn to be removed from twitter.
his reasoning…

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drake likes tops (but before you take this title and run with it…)

drakey poo…

have you ever walked straight into a joke?
it was a nice “smell the roses” kind of stroll.
you weren’t paying attention until…
i feel like drake walked into a joke with his answer on howard stern.

Stern asked Drake what his favorite kind of porn was.

this was his answer

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Protected: is this vixen just not into the meat we like munchin’ on?

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the 10 gay males onlyfans to (allegedly) avoid in the digital burn book

is it me or has onlyfans started to run its course?
almost all the attentionistos have one,
the scamming jackals are trying to pull fast ones,
and most of the content is repetitive and boring.
the burn book club” on twitter has no fucks to give these days.
they are determined to burn the establishment down.
last week,
they did ( x “top 10 gays to avoid” ).
this week,
they are on to the top 10 onlyfans gays to avoid

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Protected: “he put what up in where?” (yup, he put that up in there)

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which emoji do you send when you want some sex? (don’t send the obvious!)

i am not a picky fox when it comes to texting a wolf that i’m into.
i only have a few “leave unread until further notice” tho:

1. Dry-ass texting gets you ghosted.
2. I don’t need good morning or good night texts. Just text.
3. I shouldn’t hear from you in days.
4. Sending me nudes without warning gets you ghosted for life. Period.

i’m pretty much down for anything else.
a foxholer sent me a study from the us emoji trend report,
something i didn’t know was a “thing”,
about the one emoji that will make you less likable

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