Azealia Banks Drags Cardi To Deactivating Her Social Media

as you know,
i didn’t jump on this cardi b wave.
i have no desire to listen to her album.
acting tho,
i’d probably watch.
azealia banks,
who i use to rock with,
isn’t on the “cardi” wave either.
when asked about cardi on “the breakfast club”:

…mind you,
she dragged the same beyonce in the past.
irony that same radio station was promoting tf outta cardi.

well it led to cardi responding on her social media…

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My W-O-L-F Can’t Be Beat! (Baller Wolves Make Me Feel The Heat!)

i had two questions when a vix-bi sent me this story.
i’m sure you may have some yourself.
the nfl will have two new cheerleaders for the rams next season.
male cheerleaders.
this is what “sports illustrated” had to say about it…
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I Needed Something To Put Me To Sleep (This Didn’t)

doesn’t ^that gif look really cozy and peaceful?
last night,
i couldn’t sleep.
it was about 2am or so.
it was the perfect time to watch a movie or a tv show.
the night before,
when i also couldn’t sleep,
i put on a movie called “lady bird”.
i fell asleep in the middle of that and resumed it the next morning.
btdubs: i don’t see what was so “oscar worthy” about that movie.
i remembered the foxhole telling me to watch a show i’d like.
i’m always down to check out good tv.
the show is called “9-1-1” with auntie angela basset and connie britton.
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Tremaine Is Looking Handsome With His New Haircut

i loved-ed-ed tremaine and his jail house bawdy.
so i was over t and his “wolverine” look

i felt like that era for him is over.
well look who got a new hairstyle for 2018…
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The Snow Bunny Who Dragged The Black Wolves

tiffany jolene is not the snow bunny to fuck with.
she is not interested in black wolves who disrespect black vixens.
in fact,
she wrote a lovely PSA for any black wolves who come incorrect.
this is what she posted on facebook
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Jeramie Hollins Had A Lot To Say To Me

jeramie hollins is not an attentionisto.
he is actually a really cool straight wolf.
he’s about to be the platinum standard too.
so we had a conversation,
and i’ll be honest,
i’m still on a high vibration because of it.
so you know how i made the ig foxhole,
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