mental homework: (26)


^that is definitely my brain.
well i saw the following on tumblr and had to share it with the foxhole.
its “mental homework” worthy.
it actually comes from meryl streep,
friend to the foxhole.
well not really,
but a fox can dream,
can’t he?
this is what she had to say…




















tumblr_n0t91g7gDG1s68vzto1_500meryl spoke to my spirit.
rejection is god’s protection?
there seems to always be a plan.
i pray my future will be a testimony for someone out there.

6 thoughts on “mental homework: (26)

  1. rejection is god’s protection? YES! Everything happen for a reason. I been rejected so many time that it actually saved my life from getting involved with the wrong dudes who weren’t all up there in the head and have diseases cause this one dude who I wanted but rejected me later I found out he had full blown AIDS. So yea…..

  2. I would agree Jamari. There is something great on rejection or failure. We may not see it immediately but it does provide the backbone to success and love. I feel like I’m that black Meryl Streep and we may be speaking to someone who feels the same: You may not be finest or Instagram/Facebook popular or rich but you are sincere and genuine and have a future.

  3. No but truths she spoke, this woman is the definition of talented, and is never once cocky about her blessings.

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