Tag: women
leading ladies but lost males?

it’s hollywood’s leading vixens stealing the show again.
they gathered around the hollywood reporter round table radiating wisdom,
and authenticity.
it was a masterclass in self-awareness and vulnerability.
when i think of their male counterparts…
he kissed a guy, liked it, but decided to date/marry a woman (and he will probably never admit it)
in ’23,
are people still shocked that some males have same-sex experiences?
it could be a kiss,
some cute oral,
or full-blown wacky sex in the bush.
i feel that in the 90s and early 00s,
that would be shocking.
as we headed into the 10s and 20s…
Nothing as far as sexuality is shocking anymore.
i’m so desensitized to males and same-sex experiences.
the same republicans who condone anything gay…
INTERESTING: Tennessee @LtGovMcNally has been liking and commenting on this young man’s Instagram page for an extended period of time—the most attention from @BillLeeTN’s second in command going toward the racier photographs. We’ve reached out to the Lt. Gov for comment. pic.twitter.com/mOgItZWeHS
— Walter Murphy (@WMurphyNews) March 9, 2023
…allow me to enjoy their outings in the comfort of my home.
i need people,
especially vixens,
to understand something…
it’s homophobic and biphobic if a woman doesn’t want to date a bisexual male
the forests are suddenly talking about those who are bisexual.
“bisexual bisexual” and not the dl kind.
well i saw a tweet that has been trending on my tl today.
it’s homo and biphobic if vixens choose not to date a bi male…
Continue reading “it’s homophobic and biphobic if a woman doesn’t want to date a bisexual male” →
transgenders shouldn’t feel safe around other… women?
she’s pretty,
but i think she might be a little stupid.
you come here for my honesty so…
^that is trans-vixen and l’oreal spokeswoman,
munroe bergdorf.
she claims that vixens assigned “female” at birth put the fear in her.
according to “the guardian“…
Continue reading “transgenders shouldn’t feel safe around other… women?” →
Auntie Viv Only Wants Female Dollars and Not Gay Ones?
i feel like the following is going to get a little messy.
it might not.
the foxhole may have locked away the petty for 2017.
so you know i love auntie viv.
some of the foxhole hasn’t been a fan as of late.
she had an interview where she said she doesn’t want her stripper wolves,
the ones who are on “black magic”,
to dance for “us”.
no “us” allowed.
this is what she had to say via queerty…
Continue reading “Auntie Viv Only Wants Female Dollars and Not Gay Ones?” →
All The Gays Want Pussy Now
2016 must be the year of “confusion”.
it seems everyone is just confused.
so much so,
the gays in hollywood are also joining the party.
who knew the straights and gays could end up partying together?
so ( x jussie smollett ) and ( x ricky martin ) have both come out,
no pun intended,
and said they are “open” to being with vixens.
…and stop.
(don’t stop!
click “read more”.
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