billy porter shows us how to bow down and kiss the ring

billy porter sort of annoys me now.
he comes off fake and doesn’t come off effortless.
it’s like he’s trying too hard or something.
he went to the white house for their juneteenth event and…
he did something that got him trending in the worst way possible…

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kanye goes to the white house (and i’m really concerned)

…and it’s not because he went to the white house tho.
 kim made her way into the oval office to fight prison reform.
i bet he creamed his pants when he realized he’d get an invite there soon.
kanye has me concerned with another issue.
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a lesson in how to save your tail in the workplace (taught by omarosa?)

i’m starting to think omarosa went into that white house with a plan.
she didn’t go in there trying to play nice.
not with the following allegations about how much tapes she has.
you won’t even believe it via “the huffington post”
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Kim Kardashian Is What The Attentionistos Want To Be, But Can’t

i was legit waiting for a pig to fly across my skyline today.
when i woke up and saw the following,
i had to wonder if i was dreaming.
kim kardashian.
going to the white house.
discussing prison reform with tang.
i had to wonder if i was in another dimension or something.
alas it happened today and it was NOT a joke…
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Omarosa Is On The Curb With A Boot Print On Her Tail

when they said this was the “year of karma”,
they definitely wasn’t lying.
what’s next year?
“the year of retribution”?
so omarosa got her “national negress wake up call” today.
she got allegedly canned from her position of…
whatever it is she was supposed to be doing for the orange one.
a foxholer sent me the story via ny daily news
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When You Are The Cocky Hyena In A Really Big Fuckin’ Forest

7908396_donald-trump-dogwhistles-scalia-death-conspiracy_225a4d05_mthey always say those who are the cockiest are the softest ones.
all that cockiness is usually a mask for something else.
well for newly elected “that title”,
donald trump,
i kinda expect him to be cocky at all times.
i expect him to be a presence when he walks in a room.
when he met with obama to talk transitioning into the white house today tho…
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