Should Scaff Beezy Been In The “Anaconda” Video?

Screen Shot 2014-08-24 at 10.05.44 PMso you know i make fun of scaff beezy.
i call him “nicki minaj dry clean picker upper” or whatever his duties are.
either way,
he had this on his twitter page and i had to wonder…
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Nicki Minaj Gonna Have These Wolves Bustin A Couple Tonight

tumblr_namqu2EpdI1qjqxmoo1_500all of the mailroom wolves were talking about it.
some of the wolves that work in other departments were talking about.
nicki minaj debuted her “anaconda” video and with 9 million views already.
i guess you can say this is some hump day vixen candy
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Would You Be My “New Flame” Tonight?

tumblr_naf2ikX6DV1tcbhsqo1_500well i knew it would happen.
90s would meet 00s sooner or later.
usher and chris brown collab for song called “new flame”.
i just checked the video and well…
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This Is How The “Black Snow Bunnies” Do?

Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 6.08.09 PMwell “thot” is about to go pretty much worldwide.
thats right.
it appears in one of the biggest pop stars latest videos.
surprisingly not a black one.
guess where that screen shot came from?…
Continue reading “This Is How The “Black Snow Bunnies” Do?”

Luke James Shows His Tail

wpid-screenshot_2014-07-21-01-29-48-1speaking of luke james,
and a friendly reminder from a reader of mine,
he showed his ass the other day.
of course i’m late,
but never late than never!
besides that ( x snow bunny slip up ),
he went bare butter ball naked for his video,
“dancing in the dark”
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My Confused State Is “Foreign” (Or Is It?)

tumblr_n7a72pC8lG1qbw767o1_r1_500so you know i’m all about trey songz and the music he makes.
that one night listening to anticipation with that wolf>>>>>
well that last video with ( x that percolating peen )…
i still drool about it.
so trey has a new video out called “foreign”.
its about…
something in particular.
i don’t know what exactly.
maybe you do…
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