Kanye Is Gonna Regret The Day He Said He Loved Tang

i got my answer right after i pressed “publish”.
kanye is on the way to cancellation.
he has allegedly lost about 10 million followers so far,
including an alleged number of his celebrity followers too.
“pop craze” has an update…
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It Might Feel Like Food Poisoning To Be A Stan and Get Unfollowed

in the song “stan” by eminem,
he points out the dangers of being obsessed with celebrities.

in 2017,
stan culture is prevalent than ever.
even ig attentionistos/nistas with no talent have stans.
to say the least.
well a stan of nicki minaj got unfollowed today.
a “barb” is what you call them.
they did the ultimate ” no-no”.
this is what they did via entertainment for breakfast
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The Snow Bunny Who Hopped Away

this can show the foxhole just how fake others can be.
so i send this snow bunny that i worked at the last job a dm.
she actually started with me in my orientation.
she was cool enough to exchange socials that same day too.
every time she when she walked by when i was there,
she would always greet me with love.
i decided to send her an update a few days ago.

“hey _______!
i wanted to update you that i wasn’t with the company anymore.
blah blah blah…”

you know,
a nice update/great working with you type of situation.
she responded a couple days later:

“hey jamari!
omg i was wondering where you were!
i am sorry that happened to you,
but you have such an amazing personality.
i know you will bounce back to something even better!
thank you for the update!”

well guess what she did today?…
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f0xmail: The Tumblr Attention Whore I Fell For Don’t Text Me No Mo! Help!


Dear Jamari,  

  I was talking to this guy on tumblr and we had this instant attention for each other. We were texting and messaging each other everyday, but one day he stop texting and writing to me. I guess you can say he is kinda an attention whore on tumblr plus he has a webcam show. But anyway I knew it wrong for me to fall for a guy over in the internet, but I couldn’t help myself and now I am having a hard getting over him. How can I forget about him?


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