I Cum First (After THOTS Cum After)

12189081_2752355-clkfkhk_pm“i don’t care if you flirt with those bitches.
hell we not together.
you can fuck or get your dick sucked if you damn well please.
i care that you putting these cheap ass super thots before me.
see thats my problem.”

i was thinking about that today.
it lead to the following
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So She Diggin’, and Hoping, and Wishing, and Praying…

f5d799936783791cc6257eb4e15ab873so the new wolf at work has proved his loyalty
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Seriously? I Mean, Like, Seriously?

wtfone of my readers just sent me the following bit of ratch tonight.
i was at a loss for words when i saw it...
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The After Shocks From The Dominican Wolf

well i had an interesting discussion with dominican wolf today via iPhone.
he hit me up to ask me this afternoon…
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Did I Miss Something?

NjkfQjfis it me,
or did i miss an episode of the game?…
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I Listened To “Art Pop” And Well

xlady-gaga-artpop-album-cover.jpg.pagespeed.ic.zVedM1y8mUone of the f-bi who always keeps me up on things sent me lady gaga’s “art pop” album.
not the one that was online with the bad quality either.
the good one with “m4a” tracks.
well i listened to it while i was working on something i have to ask…
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