Tag: six flags
so the “i didn’t contract monkeypox through sex” stories are here (no seriously, in here)
can we handle another pandemonium?
i’m not talking about money but more about our mental health.
the country is on the brink of collapse because of the damage from the rona.
the monkeypox wants to be the final nail.
so apparently,
folks are saying they didn’t catch monkeypox from sex.
we have josh,
a flight attendant,
saying he got it from either dirty sheets at a hotel or another flight attendant…
“…Brought Out the Pink Lamborghini Just To Fight with Chyna”
blac chyna won me over on her snapchat.
this is when i use to be creepin’ on there real heavy.
well when i saw her fighting at six flags…
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Download File: https://insidejamarifox.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Blac-chyna-fighting-at-six-flagsHD1280x720-Mp4.mp4?_=1…i was like dammmmmn chyna!
just hand rob the custody of little dream.
you know “cruella de jenner” is always watching!
sidebar: why i thought dream was in the car she was trying to throw?
i legit gasped.
so i was looking at chyna all kinds of crazy,
but after i found out the rest of the details,
i was actually on her side.
this is what she posted on her social media about what happened…
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