Tag: reject
why did you reject that good guy who would have worshiped the ground you walked on?

i was scrolling through a reddit thread that made me pause and think.
i want all my Foxholers to remember something when it comes to relationships:
Just because you didn’t pick “the good guy,”
or let “the one who got away” slip through your paws,
doesn’t mean those relationships would have worked out.
it’s the loneliness talking when we see them thriving.
i once had a wolf who was “the good guy” that i lost out on in the past and…
“reject”- jamari’s notes
another reject email.
i’m not mad about it.
i mean,
why should i be?
ever since i started to try letting go,
i started really seeing the power of the universe.
there was a company i recently reached out to…
rejection is like the “don’t ask; don’t tell” policy.
the world will have you believing people have never gotten rejected.
they always get the guy… or girl.
they are masters of this thing called the love universe.
i’m here to tell you that is complete bullshit.
everyone at one point in their life has gotten rejected.
it can be a blow to the ego because in life we are told we can get anything we want.
“go after it and it is yours!”.
the ol team spirit routine!
sure that can happen with material things and a lifestyle,
but when it comes to another human with conflicting emotions as yourself,
that rule completely goes out the window.
i was thinking about rejection today and i had to ask…
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