do we like a woke kardashian queen?

you read the question right.
do we like a woke kim kardashian?
ever since she ( x got one prisoner released ) a few months ago,
she has been on the move to getting others out.
me too.
“tmz” has the story on the next inmate she’s working on…
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Kim Kardashian Is What The Attentionistos Want To Be, But Can’t

i was legit waiting for a pig to fly across my skyline today.
when i woke up and saw the following,
i had to wonder if i was dreaming.
kim kardashian.
going to the white house.
discussing prison reform with tang.
i had to wonder if i was in another dimension or something.
alas it happened today and it was NOT a joke…
Continue reading “Kim Kardashian Is What The Attentionistos Want To Be, But Can’t”