My Pussy Tastes Like Pepsi Cola

lanadelreyi’m so glad to see lana del rey getting her shine.
it just goes to show that slow and steady does win the race.
keeping working on your passion.
so when i first heard lana del rey,
it was her song video games.

it was actually playing at the end of a gossip girl episode.
chuck had apologized to blair.
he then put the wedding ring outside tiffanys on the steps. ( x youtube ).
the song set a certain mood in the scene and i had to find out who was responsible for it.
lala del rey helped me get through the last few months/the after of my stressful job.
something about her music creates imagery in my mind.
it tells a story and makes me feel something when i listen to it.
i can’t explain it but i love her and every song she comes out with.
granted she isn’t the best performer,
but she helped(s) me get through whatever im going through.

lowkey: i’m glad jay z put her on the great gatsby soundtrack with ( x young and beautiful ).
everyone seems to love that song.
my shit is that,
national anthem“,
“burning desire”,
and “cola”:

look i killed that whole album so bad that my mp3 is scratched.

x read about lana’s slow rise

Smirnoff Pineapple Ice Gets The Buzzed Up

0b0422-33f6722a-3c76b212im cosigning these smirnoff pineapple ice dranks.
between them and the raspberry burst joints.
i had three with my dinner tonight.

lowkey: i like having background noise on while i eat.
so i put on this album here:

Screen Shot 2013-09-04 at 8.22.30 PMthat tip toe joint:

i think tamar won.
although i really don’t want to imagine her and vince smashin’..

Sing To Me Like You Mean It Chick

musictuesdaysi’m having a slow start today.
it’s like i can’t concentrate.
oh i know why!
i couldn’t sleep last night and i went to bed at like 5am.
between reading a book and watching a movie,
i was rebelling against sleep.
so i woke up OD early,
i got k michelle “rebellious soul”.
it’s actually really good.
i went back on my musical journey once again.
i needed more.
i got diana ross “blue” and etta james “at last”.
never heard etta past her iconic singles,
as well as diana.
judging from the snippets i heard,
they both sound bluesy and jazzy.
i’m all for a good jazz album.

lowkey: i’m starting to think i’m addicted to music.

Foxes Can Roar Too. You Ain’t Knowin?

music-katy-perry-roar-artworki hardly pay attention to katy perry,
but if she didn’t come on time with this track.
all by accident too.
i was listening to lady gaga’s new track “applause” just now,
and since i can’t sleep,
something said check out what the big deal was with “roar”.
well katy got my 1.29 tonight with this track.
i love the lyrics moved me to purchase…

Continue reading “Foxes Can Roar Too. You Ain’t Knowin?”

IS KELLY PRICE CRAZY?!?!!?!?!?! Serious Question.

Screen Shot 2013-08-10 at 6.50.39 PMshe was up in fred’s face,
acting belligerent,
and for what tho????
when she pulled those timbz out that fuckin bag tho!!!!
i woulda had to let her know that stool i’m sitting on isn’t too heavy to go upside her head.
fred is nice because i would have let her dodge caravan shaped ass have it.
have it all!!!!
then she gonna say she doesn’t feel comfortable with fred.
well bitch i don’t feel comfortable with that fat queen you bringing in here.
miss with that bullshit kelly.
i would never have thought she was like this.
did anyone watch this episode????

x click here if you haven’t seen it.

lowkey: everyone else has made me go check out their music again.
i already had all of mo’s stuff,
dawn (lucy pearl and en vogue),
and claudette (city high).
chante moore being the biggest since i never listened to her before.
yeah… everyone except kelly price.
you can’t sit at the foxhole table with that attitude mama.

where to listen to their music: spotify

Chaka Khan Can You Tell Me Something Good?

Epiphany+The+Best+of+Chaka+Khan+Epiphany++The+Best+of+Chaka+Khsomething told me to download chaka khan’s greatest hits.
like marvin,
i never listened to a full album of hers.
i only knew her popular songs,
kanye west,
and got2breal.
boy was i missing out.
her funky music instantly put me in a good mood.
i like this exploring the music terrain i have embarked on.
my soul needs this.
i want to check out florence and the machine soon.

lowkey: i dead ass thought this was whitney on “im every woman” with her.