should jonathan majors get comfortable with looking like the villain?

something told me to wait a minute about jonathan majors.
just chill jamari,
just chill.

when i saw the trailer for “magazine dreams“:

he can act and has a nice bawdy.
those things are facts but he is still weird.
in this audio from “rolling stone“,
it seems he admits to all that he claimed he never did

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jonathan majors bawdy just ruined my life for valentine’s day and i don’t even care

i love a good valentine’s day shoot.
even if some of us are alone,
we can stay warm with a fine-ass wolf seducing us on paper.
acting wolf,
jonathan majors,
will be doing the seducing this year.
the biceps in ^that picture made me fall back in my chair but this

Continue reading “jonathan majors bawdy just ruined my life for valentine’s day and i don’t even care”