Naked Underwear/Bob Metelus

saturday evening confessions.
i got no shame since we are family here.
when i was a kid in barbados,
i had to be around 8,
i was exploring and found my mother’s ( x kadooment day ) outfit.
it was this pink gown-like situation.
i put it on while my grandmother was sleeping.
i went into her backyard and twirled around with my dog.
i never did it again but for that moment,
i was doing something i wasn’t supposed to be doing as a young boy.

A young and sexually confused boy.

retired nba baller wolf,
dwyane wade,
admitted that he used to wear his sister’s clothes as a young boy…


i just wanted to do hoodrat shit with my friends (102)

it isn’t a surprise that some parents start toxic masculinity early.
as you know,
boosie claims he had some hoe suck his 12-year-old son’s peen for his birthday.
here i am,
at 12,
still collecting happy meal toys and excited about new video game releases.
i was a gigantic nerd and i’m happy i didn’t “grow up” quickly.
i’m still a big ass kid and it has allowed me to have a youthful spirit.
it’s really disgusting how these generational curses start.
i saw this one on my twitter timeline and foxhole…

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the 15 year old made a youtube about the foxhole (everyone in the comments got called out)

when i use to go back and forth with mi,
i look back and realize how stupid it was.
she was a kid.
her brain wasn’t developed to understand where i was coming from.
it wasn’t until she hit rock bottom that she realized the error in her ways.
miss mamas decided to address the foxhole in a latest youtube video.
this is what he had to say

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i don’t think some of the kids “luh” melania trump

sidebar: why are the pics on her ig so low quality?
i mean,
does it reflect this presidency?
( x legendary )
so melania trump got the kids seeing through her.
from an elephant

“i heard about you bitch”
…and now she has our black youth giving the same energy.
“the white house” invited a bunch cubs from a charter school in dc,
digital pioneers academy,
to watch in a film called “wonder” in the white house theater.
during a group shot,
look at the “i see you” stare burning a hole right through melania…
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I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (41)

tumblr_m45cbkaexS1r4yegro1_5001“oh how precious!
look at her!
she is absolutely precious and light skinned-ed-ed…”

…said no parent ever.
well maybe not.
the new school parental thots think “fuck shit” is cute.
this cub decided to lock her mama out the car to sing a disney classic we all know
Continue reading “I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (41)”

Eye To Eye (The Kiddies)

tumblr_static_blue_hipster_triangle_doller_eyethis morning,
i was severely eye fucked until i couldn’t be eye fucked anymore.

i was eye fucked so hard,
i needed a cigarette afterward…
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