The Redemption of Star Fox


when you have to say “goodbye” to a friend,
one who has had your back for a very long time,
it can be one of the hardest things to do.
like any relationship,
you both may start not seeing eye to eye.
little things they do start to piss you off.
it happens and it is normal.
some friendships end because the loyalty is gone.
your boyfriend becomes a target.
they listen to jealous or envious voices.
ask any celeb about all their broken relationships.
sometimes a time out is necessary,
but it should only last a little while.
star fox and i tho…
we talked last weekend after a good four months

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You Are Cordially Invited As “The Accessory” At The “Bring Your Best Gay” Party.

gay men will always be used as a vixen’s life support.

she befriends him and realizes he is everything she would want in a “friend”.
he is almost like secret deodorant.
“strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.”
because of this,
she depends on him for everything.
she knows that she can’t trust another hoe with her business.
why not trust my hairdresser/stylist/man problem solver?

i was on tumblr yesterday.
reblogging and looking at the people i follow,
when i saw a headline that made me do the screw face”..

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WOLF MEAT: (147)

i went on twitter and saw these tweets:

i gave credit for the boldness.
i also wondered who the hell was he and why was i following?
i went on his wall and saw butt cheeks everywhere.
it was his birthday recently and his followers decided to send this wolf some cakey love

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I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (8)

what do you do when you get mad?
fight of course.
that always solves every problem.
filled with sarcasm.
more buffoonery below…

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I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (6)

“we just wanted to give head on the 6 train.
why can’t we do dat?
don’t exploited us…”

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The “DL CHURCH QUEENS” and the Hyenas Who Out Them

“Homosexual Black Men who are the church pretending they like women,
but everybody knows it but them and their parents.” – the intro on the video.

…. lost.
but wouldn’t doing something like “this” make YOU look like a messy queen yourself?
i’m just saying.
well, i’ll let you see for yourself…

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