The Call That Made Me Cry


so i woke up thursday morning wanting to call out.
i always want to call out.
i knew i couldn’t because i had that event to go to.
this job drains me.
i was actually dreading working a full day and then doing an event that night.
even though i was over it and tired af,
i still got up and went in.
as i was walking into work,
i got a phone call that made me cry all the way there.
so let’s rewind back
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I Want You To Experience Me

Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 10.08.52 AMi got this in my email this morning.
i liked the question so i thought i’d answer
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Your Next Jack’d Message Could Be From The Devil Himself

bd06cf0e343ddc9f5bcefce4c153c3ebafter yesterday’s peanut allergy issue,
i saw this quote on pinterest today and it spoke volumes.
this quote serves as a warning.
not every baller wolf is raised right,
every pretty package doesn’t always have something good inside,
and even regular joes are prone to “dumbassness”.
be careful out there.
all that glitters ain’t gold and even the dollar store has nice shit that shows its quality eventually.
hell the devil could be you.
maybe even me.
uh huh.
i went there.

we just haven’t had the opportunity or resources to show our true colors yet.

lowkey: check out ( x my foxi life class fav quotes) on pinterest.
shameless plug ‘n’ shit.

Minding My Business (Long Distance)

l-Happy-Mountain-Foxtoday was a day.
it was pretty eventful to say the least.
it felt like a climb up a very large mountain.
one of many i have climbed recently.
after i wrote the two entries earlier,
i got my clothes together and left the crib.
it was hotter than i expected so i was covered in sweat.
i couldn’t stop sweating.
i was on the train probably looking greasy as hell.
i had an appointment with my new business manager.
the fox is in business.
well trying to be…
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Top Shelf Quote To Help You Get Drunk Faster Off The Possibilities

greatquotedo you believe that?
i do.
call me a hopeless romantic.
call me optimistic.
hell call me stupid.
i try to believe that my “right now” isn’t my “forever”.
i saw that quote last night while trolling the grand theft auto boards for help.
yes i am quite addicted.
i put it in evernote to remind myself to show everyone today.
don’t stay thirty my friends.
stay hopeful better is coming!

Foxes Can Roar Too. You Ain’t Knowin?

music-katy-perry-roar-artworki hardly pay attention to katy perry,
but if she didn’t come on time with this track.
all by accident too.
i was listening to lady gaga’s new track “applause” just now,
and since i can’t sleep,
something said check out what the big deal was with “roar”.
well katy got my 1.29 tonight with this track.
i love the lyrics moved me to purchase…

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