When You Hurt Shemar Moore, You Hurt Yoself (Don’t Hurt Yoself)

eye-candy-shemar-moore-27you know where i use to think shemar moore was fine?
that movie,
“the brothers” with morris chestnut.
his bawdy in that drove me crazy.
that is when i wanted to ride him into the sunset.
well it seems someone else did…
and ran off with shemar’s 60k.
it is also someone shemar thought was a “friend” named keith tisdell.
one of these stories.
this is what the ny daily news had to say about it…
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The Lioness Nearly Had “Young Child” For Breakfast

tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640do you know what a lion is?
i do.
as a fox,
it means


for these snow animals on a television show,
it meant:


…that is until the lioness nearly snatched up their cub.
all on live television,
of course.
baller alert posted this clip and well…
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Ca$h Out On That Pipe Print Leakage

Screen Shot 2016-08-10 at 10.40.48 PMso one of the foxholers had an early morning delivery for me.
the rapper wolf,
ca$h out,
showing us what he is working with.
this time,
the picture was titled:


…before he deleted it.
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I Guess Kim Kardashian Tole Us

kim6well props no more!
kim kardashian is now her ideal weight.
dare i say,
she is looking like old “kim” again.
that’s right!
she was not going to let us get the last laugh.
she went on the “no kanye west work out plan” and well…
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MEAT: (725)

Screen Shot 2016-08-10 at 9.38.18 PM

you should always wash the meat off before you do anything with it…

I Wonder If Malia Obama Was Allegedly Smokin’ That Loud?

sasha-obama-malia-obama-first-daughtersi remember the first time i got high.
i was still in my teens.
either way,
i was sitting in a car with my home-wolf at the time.
we smoked some weed that got us both stupid high.
he didn’t even go easy on me.
i remember the leaves on the trees looking like butt cheeks.
they all looked like some plump little butt cheeks.
i told my home-wolf and he fell out laughing because he was thinking the same thing.
i also wasn’t the president’s cub either.
the big news story today is malia obama allegedly smoking weed at a recent concert.
this is the video
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