Drake Giving The Googly Eyes?

fb1EScwan f-bi just sent me a picture of drake smizing the f out some wolf.
tyra would be so proud her “learn to smile with your eyes” app works.
if this is a real picture,
drake makes it way too easy.

lowkey: who is the wolf tho?
shit i’m smizing too.

MEAT: (553)

bodyyyyybad boy.

MEAT: (552)


Obama Is Turning Black Men Gay!

tumblr_md2srt8gHY1qa42jro1_500you heard it here first.
obama is turning us gay,
making us come out the closet,
and then letting the white gay men take us from black women.
well i didn’t say it.
dr james david manning of this church:

lordhelpdid tho…
Continue reading “Obama Is Turning Black Men Gay!”

Mister Mailroom Wolf

tumblr_mjs1knEqjn1rkbqbko1_500i’m not tho!
this time he seeks me out.
its like i have this “effect” on wolves.
i’m minding my own business and someone takes a liking to me.
this one…
god he is really hot tho.
you know…
he is the one in the mailroom ive mentioned…
Continue reading “Mister Mailroom Wolf”

So This Is How Ya’ll Bring Sexy Back With Dick Pics, Huh?

tumblr_n1g36y2axr1qjoy06o1_250we see you.
you ain’t low.
my favorite dick pics are always:

“dry ashy peen on bed”


“big dick; nasty bedroom”

that always gets the juices flowing.
*runs out of blog*

lowkey: i’m almost certain this is a dormtainment video.