MEAT: (576)




on that note: nite!

Baby I’m Giving Your Booty Away Tonight (Hand Me A Condom)

vibe-vixen-miss-lawrence-lipstick-and-t-shirt-lineso i watched the shenanigans of #rhoa tonight.
miss lawrence went on this trip to mexico and had a lot to stay.
first he got mad at the help for addressing him as a “sir”.
well exxxxxxcuuussssedddd me.
clearly she missed the heels he was wearing.
this episode he said something that had me blown away.
so “he hadda said”…
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MEAT: (575)

tumblr_n2wp9wVi1l1qhs2cbo1_500i love a wolf who knows how to “color coordinationz” and shit.

LE LUXE LE FOX: Spring Forward 2014

tumblr_m571r0BasS1r3a6jho1_500spring is here.
allergies soon after.
it came last friday and it couldn’t have been more welcomed.
in this welcoming of spring,
its bout that time.
time to “throw away” old things that are not needed.
Continue reading “LE LUXE LE FOX: Spring Forward 2014”

My Date “After Midnight”

i took a shower in my expensive soap,
sprayed some prada on my skin,
and put on something real sexy.
did i mention the date was at 8pm?
Continue reading “My Date “After Midnight””

WOLF MEAT: (408)

tumblr_n2i1bbRTs51r6e8f2o1_1280that is a “dump truck”.
good lordt.
here is one mo
Continue reading “WOLF MEAT: (408)”