Are You A “Kunt” Waiting For An Azealia Bank’s Apology?

tumblr_nfvk1dtlY41txyizko1_500here is another who likes to keep a few matches with her.
azealia banks.
she pretty much torched all her opportunities within this last year.
well like most who fall head first,
they see the light once the actual banishment hits hard.
well azaelia took to her facebook to apologize…
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UNApologetically (Mi) Burning Bridges

Burning-Bridgeunapologetically speaking…
i actually admired those who are unapologetic about their lives.
that often means they don’t give a fuck about a lot of things.
nothing bothers them.
that problem is: they don’t give a fuck about a lot of things.
when you live a life when you truly have no fucks to give,
and don’t care who you step on,
you often burn a shit load of bridges in the process.
mi has been lighting bridges on her path up to my den.
well her time maybe up shortly…
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Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton Present “The Takeover”

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well this is about to be interesting.
obama just endorsed hilary clinton on her run for president.
well he wasn’t going to endorse donald this foxhole excited?
*slight groans*
well donald trump decided to clapback on twitter and well…
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One Snaps and A Suicide


snapchat is the new wave.
if you live under a rock,
snapchat is another social media service for your roster.
it uses images and short pictures to show your life “behind the scenes”.
after 24 hours,
the story is ghost and you start fresh with new updates.
the animals think because a story is erased,
they can do all kind of ratchet shit with no evidence left.
well the ex wolf of this 15 year old vixen thought he was getting revenge.
her supposed “friends” started it.
what he did was cause her to commit suicide via the daily beast
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Justin Bieber Can, and Will, Kick Your Ass

Screen Shot 2016-06-09 at 9.18.54 PMwatch out!
we got a bad ass over here!
justin bieber out here trying to fight randoms now.
so he was in cleveland for the nba finals.
after the game,
this is what happened
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“Left” Made Me Cry Today

cry-emojii love when animals win.
i also love when the animals in my life win.
if anyone knows me,
they know i will show love to anyone who i feel deserves it.
i’m not like the rest who only take you seriously

after you made it
got connections

well my straight wolf best friend,
achieved something that made me cry…
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