ashton hall is the new Jesus and has turned saratoga water into whine

this is how monsters are made.
they were already fiending for attention as is but once they go viral:

they say money shows us who we are.
i’m here to update that a viral moment can show us who we are too.
ashton hall has gone viral for his “wake up” routine.
we got him out here seething in jealousy and comparing himself to Jesus now

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kanye is out here playing a dangerous game with people’s kids

we’ve all been guilty of talking about someone’s bad ass kid.
the tantrums in restaurants; sticky paws on your furniture.
we’ve all thought it:

“Get your little demon under control.”

…but let’s be clear,
there’s a difference between calling a kid a brat and crossing into dangerous territory.
one is rightful judgment and the other is pure malice.
kanye has sprinted past the line a long time ago.
that jackal is in a whole other town.
last week,
he decided to take a vicious swipe at beyoncé and jay-z’s younger kids:

…using a slur that should’ve ended his career.
he’s now got dj akademiks running PR for his downfall,
spreading the same garbage on a random podcast

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ghosting season: starring me, myself & inner peace

a season of ghosting,
or aka season of isolation,
is not the kind where you just need a weekend to recharge.
it’s the kind that sneaks up after a breakup,
a major disappointment,
job loss,

or losing someone you love.
you don’t feel like doing anything or being around anyone.
this season can last days,

and sometimes,
it can last for even years.
i accepted that i’ve been in my ghosting era for a while now

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Lawd even the women in atl gotta hop on prep too

Why did we allow Atlanta,
the place that is the mecca for black gays and black excellence,
become the epicenter for HIV?

why did we allow this to happen?
everyone loves to have sex but why did we have to do it so recklessly?
even though this one here gets on my last nerves:

the fact she lives in atl and has to announce she is on prep,
a drug that helps gay males not catch HIV

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mr. o looks like it means orgasm

i think this wolf is fuckin’ hot.
there are certain wolves i find sexy for many things but also:

They reminded me of someone from my past.

alexa play “you remind me” by usher.
^he reminds me of a wolf i use to know

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they don’t like you and can you handle that?

There is a scene in sex and the city where Carrie fucks someone’s husband.
That someone’s husband,
Mr. Big,
was the love of her life.
The victim was the vixen,
that he chose after he broke up with carrie.
Whenever Carrie saw Natasha,
she did everything to get her forgiveness.
Natasha wanted nothing to do with it or Carrie.

Every time she sees Carrie,
her body language makes it perfectly clear she hates her.

someone said something about this situation that blew me away.
they said it wasn’t that carrie was sorry about the situation.
she didn’t give a fuck she fucked mr. big in their bed and got caught.
the real issue is…

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