A Tough Love Slap For That Behind

you got stephen smith going off for 7 minutes.
an f-bi sent me this yesterday.
i giggled.
you know it’s bad when they gotta dedicate a segment on first take for yo ass…

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Would You Hit The Floor or Let This Baller Wolf Hit You?

Hit-the-Floorive seen the posters,
the ads during love and hiphop atl,
and the big promo video looping in time square.
you could not avoid the ads for “hit the floor” on vh1.
well the show hasn’t garnered my interest,
but he has…

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The Ultimate Definition of “New Money Nigga”

a121the game is always thought as someone nice enough to fuck,
but when he goes and does corny shit like this…

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Don’t Expect to See Chad Tweet For 30 Days

tumblr_mnh4rdLlif1r8dn7io1_500on the positive,
all the pictures ive seen of chad,
his style is pretty similar to mine.
i saw myself liking every one of his outfits on the net.
on the negative,
he will be wearing orange for the next 30 days

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I Hate You. Send Tweet. Smile.

remember this entry:

x celeb mean tweets

well jimmy kimmel got our favorite nba baller wolves to read theirs.

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The White Boy, The Nigger, and the Pretty Pussy

tumblr_m9fr38kQS11r1p25elol as soon as i came back,
the emails started coming in.
i missed everyone too.
someone sent me this video and it made me think.
i know by the title,
you assume it’s something nasty.
  you’ll be in for a surprise

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