the caribbean spot, dark meat, two piece of biceps + pecs, legs, and thighs (hunger pains)

wolves are still doing herbalife these days?
i thought that went out of style with tumblr?
don’t you just LOVE when you’re minding your business and…

…the fine wolf walks in?

you can literally feel the energy in the room shift.
everyone is trying not to look,
including yourself,
but you can’t help it when biceps and pecs all in your grillz.
i was scrolling my tumblr and a user by the name of “ruddy cherry“,
who seems to be located in new yawk,
caught my eye with what was on their menu:

he posted something that i ended up posting on the ig foxhole,
but it deserved a whole plate of an entry

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hit me up today so i can teach you how to make real money

a few jobs ago,
i was being harassed by some of the mailroom wolves.
they were all doing this thing called,
“wish you were here”.
the idea was selling travel and going to go to these exotic locations.
during various photo shoots,
they’d put up this cocky ass sign:

“Wish You Were Here”

one of the cute ones came to my crib with hopes of trying to convince me.
instead of feeding me the pipe like i’d hope,
he came with a friend to feed me garbage of a “get rich quick” situation.
needless to say,
when i said i wasn’t interested,
he stopped speaking to me.
these days,
they are all still working regular jobs.

“The American Dream of Get Rich and Quick”

i watched an interesting documentary tonight on netflix.
it was called,
better on zero“…

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So You Still Want To Sell Herbalife?


so remember when almost every ig attentionisto had herbalife?
they would try to suck you up with dreams of being on their team.
take that as you will.
well it seems like herbalife got sued.
$200m worth of sued.
all those promises of being the next “donald trump” were alleged pipe dreams.
this is the story via the la times
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So Is Herbalife Losing Weight Now?

Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 11.01.40 PMITS TIME TO BURN!
welp it looks like herbalife might be burning out.
i know!
shocker much?
what will all the attentionisto’s do?
well the latimes has the “time to get a job” meal plan…
Continue reading “So Is Herbalife Losing Weight Now?”

Is Herbalife Taking People Money or Nah?

herbalifenewwould you let him coach you?
yes that is another “health and wellness” coach from herbalife for us to gawk over.
well an f-bi sent me this article from clark howard about herbalife.
you know i’m always asking:

Is this shit a scam?

well i may get some light shed on my question…

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Herbalife Is Creating Some Fine Ass Men Tho

Screen Shot 2013-12-21 at 5.02.13 PMso it looks like men now have a hustle.
rather than selling drugs or pitching avon,
fine wolves everywhere are selling this thing called “herbalife”.

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