WOLF MEAT: (421)

tumblr_mam6oriemc1qh4p4io1_r1_500omg this fox needs help with the exercise equipment!
can someone help him?
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f0xmail: I Think This “Lookin Ass Nig” At The Gym Wants Me. Help?


I see this guy at the gym. I see that he occasionally shoots me a few looks, nothing strange, but he just looks at me as I am working out. As he is about to leave, he takes a look back at me. Again, I don’t think much of it, but I leave soon after he does.

Well, I end up at a stop light and he pulls up next to me. He looks over at me again, but I didn’t say or do anything. Against my general judgment, I decide to post an ad on Craigslist in the m4m missed connections section. I gave a general description of a guy where many guys could fit the description.

Well, I get a response and the guy tells me what he was wearing, but he also makes a mention that he is straight as well. I ask a few more questions and it is indeed the same guy who was looking at me in the gym. My question for you is what do you think of the situation?


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WOLF MEAT: (355)

what does ^that remind you of?
okay okay, you got it.
well what about this

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WOLF MEAT: (351)

tumblr_mvacurnH041r2v3p8o1_400fresh meat from the gym it seems.
looks like he has been working heavy on his glutes.
imagine grabbing that?
the firmness.
the tightness.
*feels woozy; goes to lie down*

f0xmail: All The Good Meat Is Inside The Gym… but Are They Into Me?


Hey Jamari. I just need to get this off my chest and I kno u feel me on this. I’m in the gym 4 days a week. I see a few males that I’m feeling. I get mad vibes from them…they lookin at u while pretending not to. I finally get up the nerve to talk to them…have a good convo…smiles all around. Then the next time I see them they don’t say hi…they back to pretending…wtf…maybe they just young…



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Drake Has Come A Long Way

drake always reminds me of the underdog looks wise.
he isn’t a songzbird or even a breezy wolf.
he use to look like this:


i felt for him when i heard he use to be insecure in taking pictures.
well he has really evolved over the years.
drake is now getting his fitness on for 2013.
he recently took a picture of his progress

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