Tag: gay men
You Are Cordially Invited As “The Accessory” At The “Bring Your Best Gay” Party.
gay men will always be used as a vixen’s life support.
she befriends him and realizes he is everything she would want in a “friend”.
he is almost like secret deodorant.
“strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.”
because of this,
she depends on him for everything.
she knows that she can’t trust another hoe with her business.
why not trust my hairdresser/stylist/man problem solver?
i was on tumblr yesterday.
reblogging and looking at the people i follow,
when i saw a headline that made me do the “screw face”..
Glass Houses; High Ceilings

“You think he get down?”
“Naw. He straight. He doesn’t like gay people.”
Same story BUT not always the true story.
Check it…
The Messy Gay Niggas Of Reality Show
First and Foremost,
before I get into my “font vomit”,
this blog woke me up: Getting Rid Of Old Friends.
Shout out to Sir Yellow Bone for that cup of coffee in his blog.
Movin on…
I have been observing our people in our lifestyle for quite some time,
and even observing relationships in my own life,
and I have to ask time and time again…
Do we truly have genuine friends, or is friendship just a temporary situation?
Are “frenemies” taking over?
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