did aaron hernandez father secretly ruin him?

some of the older generations really ruined some of us.
i’m talking generation x and the baby boomers.
gay or straight.
i don’t know how some of them were raised,
but they definitely took their issues out on us.
it’s obvious how some are try to reclaim their youth.
it becomes a dangerous cycle,
through millennials and generation z,
until someone decides to stop.
unfortunately ex nfl baller jackal,
aaron hernandez,
decided to stop by killing himself.

new reports have taken a deeper look into his childhood.
one that was riddled with abuse and molestation.
this will be a two part entry.
it all seemed to allegedly start when his father passed in 2007,
the same year he took ^that yearbook picture,
but it seems his life was pure hell before that via “the daily mail”
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Andrew Cunanan Was Made, Not Born?

every “bad guy” has a past.

comic books
tv shows
internet trolls

real life

if you’re observant and do some digging,
you’ll find the source.
there are folks in my life that hurt me,
but when i stop and thought about the things they said,
i realized where that hurt in them came from.
i feel like no one is born bad tho,
but certain life events led them to play the role of the “villains”.
can i tell you i am absolutely blown away by “american crime story: the assassination of gianni versace”?
everything is brilliant about this show.
this cast and crew deserve all the awards.
this week on episode “creator/destroyer”,
they showed us andrew cunanan’s past and i have to font (with spoilers)…

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The Social Media Dad That Everyone Wants To Fuck Now

i’m just gonna font it.

good skin care
no hard living
no smoking
no cubs

eating good

…leaves black folks looking younger for their ages.
am i wrong?
as i say:

Black don’t crack unless it’s on crack

we are known to age pretty good with that good ol melanin.
that and a bomb af moisturizer.
maintaining your melanin is major key.
well that might be the case for the following dad.
his daughter posted this tweet:

…and now everyone is hungry for his meat.
this is what her father looks like
Continue reading “The Social Media Dad That Everyone Wants To Fuck Now”

If My Son Turns Out To Be Gay, I’ll Kill Him Dead

how many of us have heard ^that line before?
some other relative?
i heard it growing up.
this is why i’m such an advocate of coming out on your own time.
pulling someone out the closet could lead to their death.
we don’t know what others are dealing with under their parent’s roof.
well everyone say goodbye to giovanni melton.
he was 14 years old.
his father allegedly killed him because he was gay last thursday.
such a disgusting story via news 3 las vegas
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Frank Ocean Makes Daddy Get On His Knees

there is a wolf at my job who looks like frank ocean.
i’m lowkey lusting.
well ^this frank ocean was sued by his father in february.
gay slurs and tumblr posts.
well guess who won?
a f-bi sent me what the “new york daily news” reported…
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When You Might Find Out Your Father Has Better Pipe Than You

…or you fuck better than your pops.
i know.
here is a vomit bag.
as the years go on,

fathers are getting sexier younger and sexier younger.
it also means a lot of these dads are still mentally stagnant as well.
a foxholer sent me a video about how a father was gonna bond with his cub.
they gonna “fuck some bitches together in vegas”.
his words
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