so i sent an email to WW

I did something that I don’t know if it was stupid.

i think it was because of all this fonting about work wolf these last few weeks.
i was looking for an email and came across and old email of his

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the foxhole is filled with bitter c*m guzzlin’ men?

i had a nasty headache yesterday,
plus been waking up to some weird ass anxiety,
i took a sick day,
but i woke up today to ^this foxmail.
this lurker is very angry over my entry in regards to ( x atl tayh ).

let’s make ^that into a message,
shall we?

Continue reading “the foxhole is filled with bitter c*m guzzlin’ men?”

“hello fag…” was the first line in his email to me.

so the other morning,
i woke up pretty happy.
i made the foxhole confessions twitter,
which led to got a few hot confessions.
i love keeping the foxhole engaged so this seemed like a great idea.
that morning,
i went to the email to check to see how much confessions i got.
there was a few that i posted,
but then i saw one titled:

My Faggot confession

and it read like this

Continue reading ““hello fag…” was the first line in his email to me.”

someone is fuming after reading yesterday’s entry

when i signed up to be a blogger,
i knew the territory i was venturing into.
it would either make folks really upset or they would embrace me.
well i got this email today and there is no embrace
Continue reading “someone is fuming after reading yesterday’s entry”

i use to know the person behind the “anti white” emails

last night,
i couldn’t sleep again,

so i read over that “anti white” email conversation again.
“wtf” is all i could say to myself.
from the start and the end,
it was all very insulting and showed so much ignorance.
i remember when he use to comment on the foxhole…

Continue reading “i use to know the person behind the “anti white” emails”

i make a better catcher than a pitcher

i feel like an absolute idiot right now.
let me rephrase that.
i feel like an absolute idiot because i don’t know how to pitch the foxhole.
something i love and want to make a career out of,
i don’t know how to write a fuckin’ pitch email.
it’s like…

Continue reading “i make a better catcher than a pitcher”