I Leave For A Weekend…

… and my foxberry was blowing up to crazy SPOTTED messages about my Daddy to be,
Devin Thomas,
in The Concrete Forest and anywhere else.

I command a GANG of spies who look out for me.
I LOVE my Foxes for that.

So Devin, you have been a busy busy man….

Continue reading “I Leave For A Weekend…”

Big Willie from Day26 Sex Convo

Married with kid or not.

I’d still let him smash my brains out.

Continue reading “Big Willie from Day26 Sex Convo”

Atliens, Get Ya Peoples!


Oh hell no.

Let The Riot Begin

Come here real quick.

Check Daddy out here:

What if you met someone looking like that. You just had to get it. He flirting with you and you are imagining tasting the meat as ya’ll speak….

…. but then he says.

“I wish I wasn’t a bottom. I’d definitely give it to you.”

*record skips*

Continue reading “Let The Riot Begin”

Update: ADB (All Daddy Bulletin)


I am putting out an ADB on the following suspects…..

Continue reading “Update: ADB (All Daddy Bulletin)”

Want To See Him Beat? I Sure Do!

Continue reading “Want To See Him Beat? I Sure Do!”