I Just Wanted To Do Hoodrat Shit With My Friends (24)

there was a long time ago,
when i was clearly an idiot,
i wanted to try coke.
they should have shown me this video right after i said that shit…

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Molest My Butt Cheeks With a Dead Animal While I Pop This Other Molly

tumblr_mopexwT9Ye1surm5ko1_500get ready for this.
seriously foxhole.
i must have watched this without blinking…

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This Is What Happened After He Got Eaten (1 Year Later)

face-chewing-attackdo you remember this story?

x remember this story

well it’s been close to a year since this situation happened.
the homeless man who got eaten has an update for us.
if you have a weak stomach,
i suggest you stop here and watch this:

x those who aren’t about that life

those who are,

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Former All Star Steve Francis…… What Happened Dude???

i remember him looking like this:


he wasn’t a “looker”,
but he was healthy at least.

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How Adam4Adam Is Wrong For Your Life (Part 1)

i’ve got 1 of 2 updates.
one that involves water balloon butt cheeks,
and recreational drugs.

they also involve how adam4adam has become “the place to not be“.
i was over at luckey’s side of town when i saw a familiar face.
luckey got an anonymous letter,
from the same person,
which happened to feature this wolf…

Continue reading “How Adam4Adam Is Wrong For Your Life (Part 1)”

He Was Stabbed So Hard That His Ear Was Ripped Off?

he wasn’t robbed.
this wasn’t a random “act of violence”….

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