cliff hanger

i have been having legit nightmares lately.
it could be something i started doing tho.
last night,
i dreamt i was in an interesting car crash

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butterlies flying around in horny (dream)

you ever had a good dream you didn’t want to wake up from?
that was me last night,
probably around 4am when i was snoring loud.
this is me:

^that was recorded compliments of my “sleep cycle” app.
( x read more about it here )
so let’s get into my dream

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“…Brought Out the Pink Lamborghini Just To Fight with Chyna”

blac chyna won me over on her snapchat.
this is when i use to be creepin’ on there real heavy.
well when i saw her fighting at six flags

…i was like dammmmmn chyna!
just hand rob the custody of little dream.
you know “cruella de jenner” is always watching!
sidebar: why i thought dream was in the car she was trying to throw?
i legit gasped.
so i was looking at chyna all kinds of crazy,
but after i found out the rest of the details,
i was actually on her side.
this is what she posted on her social media about what happened…
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When A Familiar Presence Visits You In A Dream

i’m currently at struggle city right now.
that daylight savings time knocked me completely off my tail.
i’m so tired because i didn’t get enough sleep last night.
3 hours is probably what i ended up getting.
i tossed and turned the entire night.
during that brief time i slept,
i had an intense dream…

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The Wizard, The Fox, and The Trey Songz?

you ever have a dream that felt so real?
me too.
well i had an interesting dream last night.
i had to share it with the foxhole because i found it funny…
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I Cleaned Out My Closet and My Mother Asked Me If I Was Gay

c794a59bc1cbe86f3d795da6a7998de6i had an interesting dream just now.
it woke me up out my nap.
i’m not really feeling well and  i’m drugged up on flu medication.
spo the dream was me in my old crib.
my parent’s spot.
i had just finished cleaning up my room.
the room was brighter.
the sun was beaming through these large windows.
my mother walked in.
i pointed to how organized my closet was.
it looked like she was teary eyed.
i looked at her and we locked eyes.
i asked her what was wrong.
i couldn’t really hear her voice,
but i heard what she said.
if that makes any sense?
she asked me…
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