Peanut Cracks Another DL Wolf?

Screen Shot 2015-08-11 at 8.39.37 PMso remember peanut?
he was the talk of many forests for “cross rhodes”.
well he went away for a while and he has made his return.
he was recently spotted with another premium wolf.
“theindustryonblast” on instagram posted this today…
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B Scott Feels Personally Victimized By Jason Lee

Screen-Shot-2013-07-25-at-3.55.36-PM1there is a ton of shit going on today.
so lets get into it.
so when b scott posted the “tyga scandal”,
he also opened himself up to his own can of worms.
everyone meet jason lee
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Chris Brown Comes With An Apology and Snacks

tumblr_me41n9XU2K1r0ktvpo1_500well i hope this come with snacks.
christopher maurice brown.
what are we going to do with you?
so i guess after he realized how he looked over the weekend,
as well as his “people” laying into his ass,
he posted an apology on twitter…
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Work (Crushed)

tumblr_m1z3zxwfXe1qz6yd1o1_r1_1280sometimes when things happen,
or don’t happen,
you have to thank god for bringing you a closure.
first of all i need to apologize to the foxhole.
i could have listened.
that work crush ain’t a crush no mo
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So At What Time Will You Put Me In front of The Firing Squad?

19821_orayesterday when i got into work,
everyone was weird.
well weirder than usual.
the atmosphere felt really tense.
people were being standoffish than usual.
my foxy senses didn’t like it at all.
i knew the end of the day was going to be some bullshit
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Countdown To Getting Fired?

1364676892_tumblr_ln8atumppy1qdj1axo1_500ya know,
i don’t know if i should be sad or happy.
well scratch that.
i feel pretty neutral tonight.
so one of the mailroom wolves pulled me to the side before i left…
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