the kids will be the weapons used to kill off all the grownups

wtf is going on with this country?
why is it so ghetto?
they know damn well these kids shouldn’t be in school during a pandemic.
if they still telling adults to wear masks and do social distancing,
why would they ever think the kids with adhd would listen to that shit?
these types are the most worrisome:

“My mommy and daddy said the coronavirus is fake and wearing masks mean your freedom is being taken away.”

when i saw how many kids tested for the rona since going back to school…
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russell westbrook, and his amazing biceps, make a statement (one we won’t like)

oh hi biceps.
you know i love biceps.
it’s gonna be so weird to see the nba baller wolves playing without an audience.
as you know,
they are headed to disney world to finish the season for the “nba restart“.
that’s another thing.
they are playing in florida where the spikes are high af.
well mr. biceps aka russell westbrook, 
who plays for the houston rockets,
had an announcement on his social media…

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one of the foxhole favs got the rona and is now a believer

i have a feeling that we’ll all end up getting the rona.
we can follow all the rules,
but somehow,
we will end up contracting it.
either from being reckless af or just an innocent bystander,
the rona might make an appearance in our own lives.
one of the foxhole favs end up catching the rona.
he just had a birthday too…

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the rona has added more dates to “ha” tour (and she wants you to experience her)

my summer is gonna be all about glo’in up,
inside work,
and trying to get all the coins from this blogging career.
unless it’s someone i’m really attracted to,
or one of my crushes comes with that “please forgive me” pipe (doused in clorox),
i’ve postponed my search for my next great wolf.

This Rona shit is no joke

…and it seems to be getting worse since cities started opening up.
so a foxholer sent me something about all the gays that headed to dallas last weekend.
i guess it was to partying,
and fun,
but mask and safety-free.
someone from this group from one of the dallas trips:

posted this on their ig stories

Continue reading “the rona has added more dates to “ha” tour (and she wants you to experience her)”

the rona shredded his muscles down from 190 to 140 pounds (holy guacamole)

one of the first things i’m doing when new yawk opens up is a haircut.
my whole head is terror,
even tho i been doing my best to maintain my hair with products.
the vanity in me once to look normal even tho i plan on keeping my events limited.
everyone meet mike schultz,
a rn from san francisco.
he ended up catching the rona while attending the winter party festival in march.
he decided to share his “before and after” from his battle and well…
Continue reading “the rona shredded his muscles down from 190 to 140 pounds (holy guacamole)”

if ya’ll want to go outside, then you must go outside

*picture credited to owner

i’m at this point where if folks want to go outside during a pandemic,
then we must let them.
i heard they were outside in droves in prospect park in bk yesterday.
many were day drinking in the park,
no masks on,
and no social distancing either.
jamari fox won’t be attending,
but thank you.
some white folks have made their signs and are standing outside with no masks on,
protesting their right to be outside.
we have been under quarantine for the last two months and looking like longer.
i’ve been my most busiest and have adjusted to this new way of life.
since states have opened up,
there has been a bump in new cases and deaths all across the country.
this is what i read via “business insider“…
Continue reading “if ya’ll want to go outside, then you must go outside”