the streets say harrison butker had a super secret gay past in college???

Please advise?

when i was sent the commencement speech of nfl baller jackal for the chiefs,
harrison butker,
i thought it was the most unhinged thing i have ever heard.

He decided to tell the female graduates they were lied to by getting degrees…
and should be home making pies while being barefoot and pregnant.


they clapped hard after he said that too.

the wild part his mother ( x has a degree ) so my ears are raised.
i’m already thinking this villain arc started with his parents.
there is always a source where the demon was born.
so is it so he could run the forests and have all alleged secret gay secks?
harrison has a past that is being exposed on tiktok
by a former classmate…

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she told him to stop, but he thought rape might have been better (allegedly fonting)

don’t they ever learn?
some males don’t realize that “no means no”.
they get so blinded by lust and that massive hard on,
they forget their lives and careers can be taken away in a second.
that would be the alleged story of bench warming pre baller wolf for lsu,
tae provens.
his massive hard on blinded him into some rape charges via “the advocate“…
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i wish my parents bribed me into school and popularity too

often times,
i’ll ask my friends what would it be like to be a trust fund cub?
be born into the 1% life?
i usually ask this when i’m fed up with my job or current life situation.
it’s a fantasy that involves my parents getting me farther.
i didn’t earn it through hard work.
it was handed to me because my parents had the means to do so.
you know what sucks?…

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Nicki Minaj Gets An Easy “A”… From Jesus

i want to mention a positive nicki minaj story that happened.
i mention all the dumb shit she does to the foxhole,
but this was actually a really nice and strategic gesture.
don’t look at me like that.
so as you know,
nicki minaj has a ton of fans she calls “barbz”.
well she randomly set up a contest this weekend about their education.
this is what she asked for the barbz to do via twitter
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“Mikey Sam Has A Big Butt”

SamKissthat was the first thought i had watching the mikey sam documentary.
the one that came on own last night.
when i finished watching both the documentary and oprah’s prime,
i was left with a few other thoughts that led me to my conclusion

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Cedrick Wilcox Does “Mugshot” and “Body” Well

10363513_1544560892437748_7400199084287229233_ndo you remember him?
well i do.
( x here is a reminder )
i could not forget and i wanted more.
not a lot of readers liked him tho.
well what a coinky dink one of my f-bi wanted to give me a refresher.
i love my f-bi.
everyone meet cedrick wilcox
(god i had a couple good “cox” jokes just rushed to my head)…
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