A Big Wolf Takes The Crown On ANTM

Screen Shot 2014-12-07 at 10.29.10 PMso guess who won #antm21?
take a wild guess.
c’mon you can do it.
okay fine.
anyway here is the winner
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Keith Carlos and His Big Little Friend Are… Cocky

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 10.41.52 PMkeith carlos does it again.
him and his big penis out here lookin’ like they shift guts around
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Denzel Wells Needs To Rescue A Cat From A Tree

tumblr_nbpdg4B8v71qe8nc8o1_500so denzel wells thought…
someone in heels
…would make people assume he was gay?
well if ^that picture didn’t make people speculate…
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Denzel Wells: The Homophobe That Might Not Be?

denzel wells.
he went on “america’s next top model” and fucked himself in the ass.
no vaseline.
tyra banks being the one to fuck him.
how ironic.
so i saw this on tumblr today and well…
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Keith Carlos and His Big Little Friend Are Models Now

Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 7.52.10 PMeveryone meet keith carlos and his lovely “friend”.
suddenly i was in the mood for kielbasa.
his friend looks like he would good company on a friday night tho.
don’t you agree?
anyway keith is a straight former baller wolf who played for a few teams.
new yawk giants being one of them.
well now he is in the running to be america’s next top model
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