usher got a knockout by diddy that sent him to the hospital?

“Now why am I in it?” Usher in his Nene Leakes voice.

folks are trying to get usher caught up (see what i did there?) in diddy’s mess.
ever since diddy got exposed by cassie,
the forests have been barking loud about his alleged bts behavior.
apparently and allegedly,
diddy put usher in the hospital at one point?…

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dante the body is about to be married and not to who you suspect

some of us are blessed with “something” that makes people talk.
others have to do the most to keep us talking.
dante johnson aka dante the body falls into one of those spaces.
people need to realize that bisexuals date/have sex vixens too.
we live in a world where people can like/love both.

that male you see dating vixens can also like the menz too.
That doesn’t mean he is DL.

that means that he is a bisexual!


dante is an alleged bisexual and is about to be off the market

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mocity jaybee ain’t been on tv for 2 seconds before the gay rumors started (new record?)

just know,
when you get your moment in the spotlight,
someone(s) is gonna get clout off of you too.
good or bad,
everyone within your network will start barking out stories.
houston rapping wolf,
mocity jaybee,
appeared on “bad boys texas” on zeus…

but yeah…
his ex decided to spill the alleged beans.
the beans in the rainbow container that he “use to be gay“…

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f0xmail: i didn’t get the xl experience i was promised! help!

ever so often,
one of my foxholers has a story to tell.
one that usually involves scams and flim flams.
the life of the attentionisto must be a hard one.
when you live such a busy life,
many can’t come through with their promises.
a foxholer sent me a whole dossier about @xlexperience.
i was sent an alleged experience to share with the class…

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stud lesbians are better at being dl? (mimi faust ex, ty, was alleged smashing…)

Why is it that stud lesbians get a pass for taking down all the sexy vixens?

i knew a stud who was so sexy.
she was short,
had a short fade,
and dressed like every inch of fuckboi.
she had a good job too but ima be 100…

She was eating em all up like Ms Pacman.
Eating all the pretty vixens on the low.

she showed me her strap-on and the shaft was breaking off.
that is how much cutty cat she was getting.


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christian walker was slightly offended by elijah schaffer so he outed him

christian walker is on a mission to drag cheaters out of the closet.
he found his father,
herschel walker,
wasn’t shit and has been dragging him every chance he got.
i’d pay to see footage of his reaction to his father losing in ga.
so ever since then,
christian has been on the warpath.
elijah schaffer…

who runs the website,
( x slightly offensive ),
had this to tweet about christian and his dad losing:

 which christan responded

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