so i watched the halftime show with kendrick lamar and oof…

^this shot goes so hard.
the bending as the flag symbolizing how the US was built off the backs of blacks.
you KNOW that pissed them off but…

Isn’t it funny how some people only see the frosting but never question what’s in the cake?

last night,
while most were just hyped for “not like us” at the halftime show,
i couldn’t help but see the layers kendrick was serving.
first off,
let’s give drake a standing ovation…

Continue reading “so i watched the halftime show with kendrick lamar and oof…”

i thought DEI hires were useless? well, they sure did win the super bowl

the so-called kings of the nfl got their crowns snatched at the super bowl.
it was legit handed to them tbp.

last night wasn’t just a regular super bowl:

It was a reckoning.

while the forests were preparing for a “look at how taylor reacts” glaze sesh…
and can we font about what her manz was wearing last night?

i would NEVER let my manz walk out the door like that.

WTF is that?

i know him saying ( x he didn’t like gumbo ) made the spirits MAD too.
something far more satisfying ended up unfolding…

Continue reading “i thought DEI hires were useless? well, they sure did win the super bowl”

and just like that, they made our d!cks go soft (sigh)

Gay culture,
Black gay twitter,
Black gay IG,
and the Foxhole
makes and breaks these attentionistos.

there was a white wolf that came across my feed last year.
he was part of a trio of sexy wolves from montana.
i should have known the following from montana.
their brand is cosplaying as cowboys.
he was the sexiest out the three,
even though the one who dated kristin cavallari is who everyone wants to fuck.

i watched his snap every day because of his biceps,
and his print
he is also really handsome too and i was enjoying his content until

Two weeks ago,
He took a trip with one of the others in the group to that place our new president lives.

He tried to pretend he wasn’t there until he got caught and came clean.
He was posing with the new presidents pictures and said,

“this place is lit!”.

…and that was the end of that.
i unfollowed with the quickness and never looked back.
even though this wolf didn’t have a freak twitter,
^that tweet above is funny because it’s so true.
i’d like to add some more to the list that turn me off…

Continue reading “and just like that, they made our d!cks go soft (sigh)”

myvidster is now novidster

Beyonce’s internet just took another loss.
I don’t think I’ve felt this sad since King Nate left OF.
I’m still fuckin’ vex about that BTDUBS.

this news is like that FWB who knew exactly how to please your bawdy right,
only to cut you off without warning when you were horny AF and needed it ASAP.

“TF you mean you’re getting married and going to be faithful?

the underground goldmine of good videos…

Continue reading “myvidster is now novidster”

he might be doing him/her/they/them but he’s thinking about me

^A discussion I was having with a Foxholer earlier about an Attentionisto.
One who allegedly deals with other males if he has a connection with them.
This Foxholer knows said Attentionisto.
The “her” is really a “he”.

looking back,
i realize that every time i got caught up with certain wolves:

Work Wolf
Light Bright

i had this insecure fear about sex.
not sex itself

Continue reading “he might be doing him/her/they/them but he’s thinking about me”

this part of another male’s bawdy makes me completely feral

There is a certain part on a male that drives me bat shit crazy.

when i’m watching at as scene on the performing arts of penetrative strokes

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