Attention Please! Attention!

::::: taps on intercom :::::

Good evening, ladies and gentleman.
Would the owner of these pecs please step up to the front.


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Dreams Of Fucking Fraternity Dick

One of my biggest fantasies if to fuck with a fraternity dude.

I am watching a favorite in gay entertainment, Stomp The Yard, and I must say I am overwhelmed in all this testosterone. I watched it before but for whatever reason today…. It must be the wine. Even though, I know someone who worked behind the scenes of this movie, who revealed some things about some of the dudes in/around the movie.

Let’s just say, I would sucking on cocksicles daily.

I mean, you guys saw the mountain scene!!! WHAT!!!! Columbus Short was not bad looking in this movie either.

The chest + the voice + Jamari Fox – Megan Good = NC-17 rating.

I have talked to two frat bois in my entire exsistence, but it was online. I didn’t exactly get to step on the meat. One was a Que and he was in Vegas. He was pretty damn fine and as D/L as he wanted to be. I knew he would have threw it pon’ me! He wanted to fuck with me while maintaining a relationship with his college sweetheart. I may have considered…..

The other was a Kappa….

(I have heard Kappas are the main ones who usually get down. Shout out to all the Kappas reading. U know how to find me.)

It was all good with my discreet Kappa, but he is still hooked up on his man. The window opened and we became friends.

But, I have a taste for some Frat meat. I need to meet someone who goes to a HBCU so I can come visit and they show me around. Or, I meet one who lives in The Concrete Forest and we can live out my fantasies.

Any of my readers ever messed with a frat boi?????????? If so, I would love to hear all the dirty details. Leave me a comment.

Brought To You From The FoxBerry

One Of Dem Days

Have you ever just felt sad?

Better yet…
Have you ever felt scared?

Continue reading “One Of Dem Days”

Devin, Baby…

We need to talk.

I am writing you a letter because I have been rather dissapointed with your…. performance.

We need to 1 and 1 about some things.

Continue reading “Devin, Baby…”

Big Belly. Big Mouth. Small Peen.

That’s right.
They make me sick!!

But when you mix a little dick with a cocky nigga,
then you have a trip to the emergency room.

Why oh why oh why are niggas who are cocky always lacking in some department?

Like this young man for example.

Continue reading “Big Belly. Big Mouth. Small Peen.”

Beyonce + GaGa = Fail.

What the…?

Continue reading “Beyonce + GaGa = Fail.”