jlo brings them out on stage last night

jlo has been in the news a lot these last few weeks.
it’s not “bennifer 2.0” shenanigans.

this actually might be legit.
they are super lowkey these days.

Sidebar: one thing i love.
when she gets into a relationship,
she cleans and upgrades the wolf tf up.
They get her glam squad in the union.
I like when a male gets a full upgrade when he is with someone.
you can fuck around and make him someone else’s dream too.

this documentary of hers on netflix has been all the talk.
her folicles have been on edge over the shakira/superbowl controversy.
( x read it here )
jlo performed at the blue diamond gala last night at dogder’s stadium.
she brought out a special guest for a duet…

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the dragging mo’nique got made her get castor oil and an apology

it’s good to see mo’nique getting her shit together.
she saw all her “sweet babies” coming in her comments with the torches.

she had to pull it together quickly.
mo’nique decided to drag dl hughley publicly,
along with bringing his family into it,
so she apologized publicly…

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happy (kinda not interested) father’s day?

happy father’s day???????
i’ve never really acknowledged father’s day growing up.
it wasn’t a holiday that most of my friends celebrated tbh.
i was also a jehovah’s witness and you know they celebrate nothing.
i’ve celebrated mother’s day more since my mother took on both roles.
she was never a jw and celebrated all holidays.
i think she did it to spite my grandmother lowkey.

after my father and i (kinda) reconnected a couple years ago,
i thought things would be different but…

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drake thinks ya’ll need to play catch up with his latest dance infusion

some of ya’ll are NOT happy with drake and this new album,
honestly, nevermind“.
 ya’ll want him to say honestly, nevermind and pretend this didn’t happen.
the dragging on twitter is a merciless storm.

…and it gets worse and worse.
drake decided to respond to all the criticism and…

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let’s have a conversation about that nfl baller i bagged

on my last patreon,
i mentioned tips on how to bag blue checks and big deals on socials.
big deals meaning those we want to see how big their “deal” is.
everyone always asks me about the nfl baller wolf i bagged.
 let’s font about him,
the night we met,
and a recent update

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honestly, nevermind on not giving my thoughts on drake’s new sh*t

people are scared to experiment.
males who want to experiment with males are a perfect example of this.
they have been dating vixens for so long,
why try something that may change their world?
why introduce something new when this life already works?
or does it?

many of us are set in our ways because things are working.
even if it’s not,
we don’t want to switch it up because of many things:

Scared to Fail
Embarrassment by Those Who May Drag Us

i was hype when drake announced he was coming out with a new album.

certified lover boy was mid for many of his fans.
i woke up today and before i could wipe the crust out of my eyes,
i had the album up on spotify.

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