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aunt wendy williams debuts SHAPE (?!)

aunt wendy williams has an interesting shape.
bewbs on top; skinny down below.
she has given no fucks about ya’ll jokes in regards to her figure.
a foxholer sent me this following update on aunt wendy tho and…
via the daily mail

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are you ready to purr for bobby lytes?

bobby lytes has come a long way.
he has dipped his paws in reality tv and sex work.
he has always been looking for a wolf in between alla that.

So why not do it on TV too?

the foxhole blew up my box with the trailer for “bobby i love you, purr“…

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so i was in a covid coma the last few days

i know many in the foxhole have been wondering:


where did our Jamari go…”

i saw the emails and heard the faint ding of my dms.
first off…


i appreciate those who checked in.
where was i?

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imagine seeing a baby flying out a car in an accident? Jesus…

they say don’t let the sun go down on your wrath.
i use to hear that all the time from my grandmother.
i’ll add another to the “things not to do“:

Don’t drive drunk,
which is a no-brainer,
but also don’t drive while arngry or arguing.

if you didn’t know,
our adrenaline is pumping when we are angry.
the following has disturbed me to no end.
this video of this car legit plowing through a red light,
killing 6 victims,
which included someone pregnant and their baby.

do you see how fast she was going?????
did she think she was in a rocket?
what in the entire fuck!

it was the details from the scene that disturbed me the most…

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do ya’ll think brittney griner is coming home anytime soon cause…

i know people who pack all kinds of edibles when they travel.
when we go on vacation with a group of people,
more than likely,
you want to turn tf up in another country.
after this brittney griner drama:

Ya’ll need to seriously research the laws of other countries.

 countries will kill you for something that is a slap on the wrist out here.
i know ya’ll heard about brittney’s fate in russia today.
if you didn’t…

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