do people like “that man” even feel empathy when they get booed?

when you choose the role of “the villain“,
as much fun as being a menace can be,
you will not be met with applause.
people in your bubble will get on their knees but with everyone else:

dave chappelle had a show that elon musk attended over the weekend.
elon musk got up on stage and was booed mercilessly.
he has been trying to take down this footage on twitter,
but the folks on youtube ain’t letting their foot off his neck…

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so i watched the harry and meghan documentary and well…

i didn’t fully watch the oprah special with harry and meghan.
i saw highlights,
hot takes,
and ( x wrote an entry about my thoughts ).

i came to my own preconceived notions about who i thought they were.
it didn’t help i had people in my ear and view who didn’t care for her.
my “all things royals” stanning friend pressured me to watch the netflix doc,
harry & meghan,
i was left with…

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while you were sleeping, i was dealing with rejection

the fear of rejection.

this morning at around 4 am,
while i was up due to anxiety,
i asked myself:

“Why are you scared of rejection?”

…because tbh,
the facts are,
my whole life has been constant rejection

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caresha, please leave diddy with this recent announcement?

imagine being with a wolf…

You think ya’ll are good and suddenly,
he hits you up to tell you that he is having a baby…
with someone other than you.

for many of us in the foxhole,
i’m sure it would feel like a betrayal.

1. When did you decide to jump into some vagina unprotected?
2. I have to share you with someone else while in this relationship.

caresha was out here with signs about diddy at award shows but…

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demarco morgan came in, sat down, and got comfortable and we forgot tj holmes existed

if you wait long enough,
you will watch your predecessor fall so you can rise.
it’s like when the understudy gets their big break after the star gets the flu.
tj holmes seem to be out on good morning america but his understudy,
demarco morgan...

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