it’s weird.
i watched “real housewives of atlanta” last season,
but i just can’t get into the “love and hiphop” franchise any longer.
i didn’t even continue watching “basketball wives” this season either.
well “love and hiphop hollywood” is back.
they released the super trailer and well…
omg brooke valentine?
i bought her first album and liked it LOL.
is that ray from one of those “college hill” shows?
when reality crosses with other reality…
it looks like the same nonsense.
everyone acting a fool for their 15 minutes.
it’s a shame keyshia cole had to get on this show,
but how else will she get our attention?
boobie can’t even get me to watch,
but i know the foxhole loves ratchet tv.
i hear it relieves stress.
“love and hiphop hollywood” rolls out july 24th @ 8pm on v-h1.
as for me:
lowkey: how many cast members are there?
i’m sure keyshia won’t be getting anymore ratchet.
boobie will probably get more facetime.
the others need to earn their checks.
I can’t.
The foolishness is real. Safaree needs to go find a row of seats. When will our people realize they need to get deep into Old Testament, blond hair is a plague and unclean. TiTi is doing too much, and wack Cisco need to go have several rows of seats.
The Old Testament also don’t like gay people. And people that eat shellfish or clothes mixed with different fabric material so…

Keyshia Coleslaw needs to sit it down.
Lol u should have watched this season of basketball wives it was actually sooo funny. They had Dwayne wades baby mama that he had a child on Gabrielle union with on there and she spilled everything on him without even uttering his name LOL. And nick youngs 2 time baby mama was on there too , that poor deluded thing lmfao (his baby mama reminds me of his mother, physically they look alike, which, weird much lol). Pure comedy I tell u!!!
I will be there. lol Mad I dont have HBO so I can watch Game of Thrones though. Thats the real tragedy.
I going to watch Just for Brooke, Mo and TiTi but im tired of these gay men getting on tv acting fool. It seriously dont required all that
Sigh Black People…
1. These dramatic slow motion scenes are killing me.
2. Who’s the guy with the half off the shoulder pink romper.
3. We got guys fighting girls now? ok
4. I saw in a meme someone said Tierra had on a “I grew up without my father” wig!
*spits tea out* CHANEL WEST COAST!? Wasn’t she the one that got dragged by Charlamagne Tha God on “Ridiculousness?” And I don’t remember Ray from College Hill?
Issa mess!!!! Half of these women are wack as hell the other half I like but I can’t stand some of the other women so much that I will not be watching unfortunately. Side bar though I am so glad not to see that nasty big mouth Brandi or her bat mouth husband. Omarion is good to look at but he was boring and Apryl is…cute. NEXT! But the absolute best part of this upcoming season is there is NO Soulja Boy!! Yayy!!!! Also Willie is gone which kinda makes me sad cause he was really eye candy but his voice was equally annoying as other cast members. Much success to all of them I don’t care for Keyshia Cole’s new work at all she continuously lets me down with bad songs lately and I can’t be bothered but I d wish her all the best and success from this hopefully she’ll make more of this opportunity than K. Michele did if she pops again. Who else gone feed Frankie her Popeye’s and feed Neffe kids?
Wait…Keyshia Cole is on the show now? Wow!
^she got bills!
plus those albums won’t sell themselves!