He Kissed Me Earlier But Is F*ckin’ Her Tonight?

episode 7 up.
here is a preview

i don’t know but i started to feel a certain kind of way. after him kissing me earlier and now he is about to fuck this girl in my crib. why am i going to allow this? i can’t exactly say anything now since Deshawn has used my apartment as his hoe house.

“Stacey is bringing her other friend over here for you, J.” Deshawn said looking at me.

“me?” i felt my throat go dry.

“Yeah, remember I told you that Stacey got a girl for you?”

“oh shit, i forgot all about that.”

“Looks like we all fucking tonight!” Deshawn was excited like this was some kind of bonding exercise. straight dudes bond over the weirdest shit. as i sat on the couch with paranoia running rampant through my head, i felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

“U aight?” He texted me as he was speaking to Deshawn in the kitchen. thank God I keep my phone on vibrate.

“i’m cool i think.”

i watched as Deshawn talked to Him about pregaming for these girls coming over. Deshawn was too preoccupied making drinks and rolling up a blunt while He was texting me on the not-so low.

“U tryin to get some pussy tonight?”

“i’m not fucking any girl tonight”

“U sure? U don’t wanna disappoint D lol”

“i’m good on all of that”

“What if I wanted to fuck u tonight?”

my eyes widened and i felt my dick start to inflate. i didn’t even know how to fuck a dude. i never researched or look it up. i know that i feel like i want to get fucked rather be the fucker. if i was a girl, i’d let a dude penetrate me. that is how i always saw myself having sex rather than how a dude has sex with a girl. i don’t know if that’s even possible and it makes me confused. what if i shit on him? that would be gross and he would probably never speak to me again. my mind was spiraling and it was taking me a minute to think of what to reply next.

“aren’t you going to be fucking that girl tonight?”

“I’d rather be fuckin u.”

this was turning me on more than it should be. before i could even reply to that, my doorbell went off again.

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as always,
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