He Had Me At “Jeremy” (Fifth Time Around)

Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 8.04.07 PMits so funny…
i thought about jeremy the other day.
i said to myself:

i haven’t seen any new shots of jeremy on foto119…”

well what a coinky dink!
i go over there tonight and see him up out his clothes

Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 8.03.58 PM
Princess-Cinderella-Dizzy-In-Didney-Worl-Gif…ima need to ask about him more often.
ima also need to ask for the winning lottery numbers.
thats another story.

lowkey: there are just some people you would want to see in a sex tape.
he is one of them.

fotos taken: instagram

8 thoughts on “He Had Me At “Jeremy” (Fifth Time Around)

  1. I want to see him (Jeremy), CJ, and Brandon Boyd in sex tapes!! Good Lord those three are phyne as hell!

  2. grabbing my “pearls, rosary beads,lighting candles and asking for forgiviness for all my impure thoughts regarding this young mant” look at that ass!!

  3. Damon. I need to eat more and go to the gym. His body is crazy. I’m not drooling!! Stating facts

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