it’s amazing what a little time can do for you.
i remember ^this wolf a few years ago.
he use to be on everyone “crush” list.
well he has all grown up.
a foxholer alerted me to the following video that got 11 million views.
it wasn’t until i went snooping around,
that i figured out who it was.
everyone meet donald j,
the newest member of the marvin bienaime agency…
Video Player
sooooooooooooooo i’m pregnant…
and he is the father.
lowkey: i often wonder why someone who looks like is single…
why am i single?
anyway he is dreamy:
Video Player
picture credited: donald j | video: marvin bienaime agency
I can’t breathe!!!
Okay okay, I’m sold…
Yeah, Mentos should cut him a check because he just made me want to run to 7-Eleven and buy some. Haha
This is my first time seeing him, but I will say that I am quite impressed. This man is fine.
I know who put those Mentos on his front doorstep. Duh?! His publicist; Marvin Bienaime. Super faked and staged. Wack.
Those eyes!!
Whew my breath is taken away
Yes gawd!!! Bring on the humpin memes
Lmao I bet that was a dude that put that on his doorstep lol
Good looking guy. I wouldn’t want to date a guy that looks like this though. Just imagining the amount of people you’d have to fight off. I don’t need the stress or the lawyer fees.
^LMAO @ lawyer fees
Lol that’s why you got to fattening them up a bit once you bag them. Haha
YESSS you posted it he had me drooling
^of courseeeeeeee
I’ve died and gone to heaven… Jesus Christ.
^he is fine as hell now.
all is took was a bald head.