I Need Kris Jenner To Do My PR for The Foxhole

She can turn shit to sugar, can’t she?
She can put a zombie on bath salts on tv and make us buy whatever it is selling.
Whatever lol.

The Kim stans are rejoicing today!

Their queen has made nice with another queen
…and her loyal subjects are about to riot.

Continue reading “I Need Kris Jenner To Do My PR for The Foxhole”

Awww Poor Kevin!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPIgTuQM2gk]

Awww that is so sad.
I feel a WORLD of cockiness coming from Bron now.
Anyone else feel so?
But on the positive,
Oklahoma showed the FUCK out at that airport to support…

Continue reading “Awww Poor Kevin!”

Yo Mama Is A Freak and Ya Daddy Has A Big….

Have you ever been behind the scenes of a porno?
Well, I’m having the tour guide take you on a quick tour.

Wear something fly…

Continue reading “Yo Mama Is A Freak and Ya Daddy Has A Big….”

I Like My Wolf To Obey When I Say, “SIT”.

So last night,
I decided to f0x trot outside my den.
I had to find my wings one the hottest days of the year.

But lets talk for a minute about the Wolf  in the drop top…
who decided to pull up next to me as I waited to cross the street.
He acted like he was pulling over,
but he was staring at me the whole time.
He had a Fox in the passenger seat.
The Fox gave me the meanest eye roll,
the Wolf was smiling at me.

I bet I would have gotten your nigga’s number if you weren’t in the front seat brah.
Ran his pockets for your lunch money.

Watch yaself.


I decided to go support a friend at an event in the city.
It was suppose to be hosted by an B-list r&b singer,
but she decided to pull out an hour before she was suppose to go on.
Typical shit.
The event had a lot of industry (and wanna-be) folks.
A lot of:

“Yeah, I’m working with…”
“I’m signed to such and such person…”
“I’m about to blow the fuck up!”

(its like i don’t believe in anyone’s dreams anymore.
i’m around so many nightmares)

So after a lot of that foolery,
I look to my right and SHIT!….
a Wolf I have spoken about was standing right across from me.
His friend is a singer and was on the bill to perform.
How did I not know he was going to be there to support?
Or, did I?


Continue reading “I Like My Wolf To Obey When I Say, “SIT”.”

So, Uh, Joseline from Love and Hiphop ATL Was A Caged Bird Who Could Sing?

i made a funny.

So, I got some nice exclusives dropped in my mail box just now.
I thought I would share them for dinner time in the Foxhole.
It seems like everyone’s newest reality villian has some alleged secrets.
No, she was not born a man like some of you want to happen.
Actually, this will clear up those rumors once and for all…

Continue reading “So, Uh, Joseline from Love and Hiphop ATL Was A Caged Bird Who Could Sing?”



Stevie J got all us fiendin!
The show just premiered and we already got the peen pics rolling out.
But, can a Fox get a “CHECK ON YES” with this pipe shot?
Is this really Stevie J’s BIG ASS DICK?

Continue reading “IS THIS STEVIE J’S BIG ASS DICK?!!?”