Category: WEREWOLF 101
i’ve been having fantasies that i never had before

I’m not even going to hold you but I’ve been angry too.
as i have been going deep inside with shadow work,
it has me revisiting past moments in my life.
instead of feeling depressed about them,
i’ve been feeling rightfully annoyed.
it has also made me rightfully horny too.
having fantasies in a way that i never have…
i was looking at a picture i took of work wolf and…
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Help! That Hyena Just Ran Off With My Wolf!
You are:
Too small.
Too big.
Too masculine.
Too feminine.
Too dark.
Too light.
Continue reading “Help! That Hyena Just Ran Off With My Wolf!” →
MEAT (The Intro)
I see fine men daily.
I also see fine ass men online hourly.
I always seem to click the right thing and then I’m going through pages of sexy ass men.
Then I start wondering:
How can I get that?
or Why am I not with that?
What is wrong with me?
Maybe I am not insert what I THINK I am lacking here.
A total mind fuck if I ever saw one.
You know you do it too.
So I thought I’d try something new with IJF.
Something I’m sure my Foxes would enjoy.
2.0.11: Werewolf Edition
Broke Wolves Don’t Get Assets
I know you want to get this.
I know you want to kiss this.
I know you want to frisk this.
I know you want to love this.
I know you can’t resist this.
…always want to holla,
but you ain’t got no dollars…
U Need More People
Aren’t you tired of chasing Wolves?
Obsessing over if they are going to call you or return a text?
Being treated like a doormat?
Finding out the REAL deal after you let him beat you down?
It is time for a change in how we deal with Wolves.
This will be the WEREWOLF segment of our programming.
Self esteem check in 5, 4, 3, 2…
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