How To Save 50 Million and Spend None of It

MARSHAWN-LYNCH-FLIPS-BIRD-FEATURED-IMAGEyou know how people think all baller wolves are stupid?
well some definitely are…
but ones like marshawn lynch of the seattle seahawks aren’t.
so marshawn has amassed about 50 million dollars in the nfl.
according to him,
he hasn’t spent a dime.
this is what yahoo finance has to say…
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Fox Relationship Goals (3)

emoji_heart_0this makes me have hope i will find a wolf.
it also gives me hope in humanity again…
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You Will Rise From The Ashes (New Season)

tumblr_mg5qyqy5v51rdtdoho1_500_zps054345faa new season always calls for a new start.
i have been wanting to start fresh for a while.
the only problem is:

i don’t know how

i feel like there is something inside trying to come out.
its this feeling of power that i know right now,
i wouldn’t be able to control.
i have to get a hold of what i’m dealing with first.
so i decided that these new season will start from the ashes.
i have decided to start destroying everything that is no good…

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Fox Relationship Goals (2)

RiAynAnBTi love kissing.
kissing is a requirement in a relationship with me.
hells i’d rather kiss than have sex.
kinda like this…
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Fox Relationship Goals (1)

tumblr_nszng1r1te1re1m53o1_540i’ll allow it.

An Attentionisto Joins “Love and Hiphop: Hollywood”

love-and-hip-hop-hollywood-cast-720x347so ive completely stopped watching reality shows.
like my whole tv line up is pretty much legit acting.
well you can say the same about reality tv,
so i was thinking to myself one day last week:

“i wonder when they will add the male gay storyline to love and hiphop?”

i thought of a scenario in my head.
the “friend who is secretly attracted to him” saga many of us relate to.
something like my “work wolf” saga.
well i guess the universe answered my question this week.
there will be a gay story line and it will be featured on “love and hiphop: hollywood”.
it features a very popular attentionisto i’ve talked about…

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