MEAT: (256)

so the foxes had an overdose of pretty foxes in the last entry.
let’s get a better snack

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remember this guy?

the one in the middle?
we played a good game of lay down some rubber with this 3some.
well, i remember i thought he was hot and wanted to smash.
an f-bi found him and brought him to the foxhole…

Continue reading “MEAT: LEFTOVERS (255)”

MEAT: (254)

a two for 1 special?

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MEAT: (253)

look what showed up at the door of the foxhole today?…

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MEAT: (252)

everyone meet jacob.
he is from denmark.
he showed up at my door cold and wet.
i had to let him cum inside and get warm…

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MEAT: (251)

guess whose butt cheeks these belong too?
well, i liked the following picture ahead.
i love the quality

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