did andrew schulz fly too close to the comedic sun?

…and I JUST told someone before this happened I thought he was attractive.
I hate when people ruin their attractiveness with foolishness.

late one night,
while tumbling down a rabbit hole of black historical horrors,
i found myself revisiting the disturbing practice of “buck breaking”.

as you know,
or didn’t,
but it was a vile tactic used during slavery.
it was where male slaves were raped by their masters for dominance and emasculation.

fast forward to today,
comedian jackal,

andrew schultz made headlines for what he wanted to do to kendrick lamar.
after kendrick called him out in “
wacced out muralsby saying:

“Don’t let no white comedian talk about no Black woman,
that’s law.”

andrew went full

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when dirty hands leave stains

My grandmother always said,
“Bad association spoils useful habits.”

as a young fox,
i rolled my eyes because i was desperate to belong.
as a grown fox with many experiences of betrayal under his fur?
it turns out that Gran was right.
enter the jay and diddy alleged debacle

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great balls of grease fire!

Panic has a funny way of turning even the smartest among us into complete disasters.

it’s kind of like how those clueless white vixens,
who always run…

when fear takes over,
you’re stuck in fight,

or freeze mode.

If there’s a fire on your stove,
freezing isn’t exactly a winning strategy.

case in point of what was on my elon swamp timeline….

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i have thoughts on the hugo d almonte IG press release about outing khalid

when i don’t believe a word coming out anyone’s mouth/fingertips,
i like to look into everything they’re telling me to see if they’ll slip up.

this is why i only go with receipts when it comes to stories.
anyone can say/font anything because pathological liars do exist.
hugo d almonte,
the jackal who outed khalid,
did his best IG press release to defend himself.

i have thoughts

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did drake forget he started this rap battle or…?

Who would have thunk in 2024,
Drake would be going full corporate Karen on us?

imagine starting a feud,
telling someone to pull up,
and when they beat your ass,
you run to the authorities claiming assault.
that’s drake today,
filing yet ANOTHER lawsuit with his label,

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“something something” cease and desist is for hoes – drake said

Hear ye,
Hear ye!

Drake’s been demoted to jester with the latest.

once the ruler of hip hop for many years,
drake found himself at the mercy of kendrick’s lyrical guillotine in their rap battle.
with one clean swing with “not like us”,
the new heir to the throne took his seat,
leaving drake out here scrambling to save face.
instead of bowing out gracefully,
our former king decided it was time to sue

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