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…and here i thought amber rose was sent to destroy the kardashians.
okay so this has been the talk of the day in my forest.
everyone was literally aghast.
amber rose and kim kardashian both posted this on ig…
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Rihanna Drags Back


everyone has been talking about rihanna’s new release,
my opinion it?
i love it.
i’m actually listening to it now.
sidebar:same ol mistakes” and “love on the brain“.

well its different from her usual.
some wanted more bangs and bops.
its definitely not radio friendly.
no “big singles” like her past work.
she decided to go in a totally different direction.


just how i like it.”
its not for everyone.
its “rated r: the mature version”.
i mean isn’t that what being an artist is?
well anti has gone platinum since its release.
( x entertainment weekly )
there was a lot of controversy with how she achieved it.
like jay’s “magna carta holy grail” release,
samsung bought 1 million copies of her album.
(she actually sold 400k without samsung)
many thought she cheated.
so when billboard posted this…
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You Ain’t Never Putting Fingers In My Bootyhole

tumblr_m6u2jd8liz1qbmrcdo1_500i guess the dragging got to him.
that’s what i was telling myself when i saw these latest tweets.
its funny how most straight wolves don’t want you near their tails.
i know some who will punch you in the face if you even grab it.
that sucks because most straight wolves,
and even the dominant ones in this life,
have the nicest and fattest bunz.
well kanye west wanted the world to know his wolf hole is “fanga free”.
this is what he tweeted,
as well as what god told him about using cubs in his verbal assaults…
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They Had To Dig In Ye Azz Cheeks Today

CZwXdtmWAAIy943sometimes when an animal ‘ack up,
you gotta remind them exactly who you are.
now i’m not saying go around and use things as blackmail.
i’m saying when someone who knows you wants to get buck,
or finds themselves trying to call you out over pettiness,
you gotta remind them of their secrets.
just a hint.
something tiny that will make them shut the entire fuck up.
well this is what happened today.
lets rewind,
shall we?
so kanye changed his album title from “swish” to “waves”.
if the album is anything like the last,
he should name it “POLF”.
wiz khalifia thought it was disrespect because max b,
a harlem rapper currently in prison,
started the “wave” movement out in harlem.
wiz tweeted this:

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who thought “kk” was a shot as “kim kardashain”,
went the FUCK off.
a foxholer sent me a collection of all the tweets…
Continue reading “They Had To Dig In Ye Azz Cheeks Today”

Blac Chyna Stars As “Peppermint Petty”

blac-chyna-tyga-custody-battle-640x388blac chyna seems like a sweet vixen.
her cub is also really damn cute.
i felt her pain after her break up with tyga.
she gave her time,
and womb,
to that fuck-jackal only to be cheated on with an alleged pre-teen.
that had to have stung.
all while said pre-teen’s family invited her into their homes,
smiled up in her face,
but really knew what was up.
that is usually grounds for an ass whoopin’.
after they broke up,
she tried her hand at being an attentionista.
pretty much failed.
she isn’t amber rose.
well this is what happened after i saw this recent picture
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The Queen of All “What The Hell?”

wendy-williams-3031wendy williams has made it.
she went from “radio shock jock” to “subdued talk show host” kinda effortlessly.
she has caused so much controversy in the past tho.
all kind of folks wanted her banished.
will smith,
and lord knows who else.
well she just celebrated her talk show being renewed
for ( x the next 4 years ).
that means more wendy until 2020.
ya know…
i’m glad she got a solid gig because when i saw the trailer for her disheveled movie,
“queen of media”,
i had to ask myself if this was a joke
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